Posts filed under: Collin SBDC

My business only has a few employees, do I need to implement an Employee Review program? I owned a retail store a few years ago and I only had a...
If you are considering either starting or buying a small business, then you should also consider creating a business plan, but if you need a loan, you need a business...
For a small business to survive, it is essential to build and grow a strong customer base who are loyal to your business’s products, brand, and to you, as the...
Retirement is the perfect time to start a new business, learn more about why starting a small business after retirement is a great idea. ...
You can use your retirement plan to fund a new business. Learn how to use your 401k to start a new business with a ROBS Rollover....
What is an SBA Loan and what information do I need to apply? Will my small business qualify for an SBA Loan? ...
What is an SBA Loan and how are they different from a traditional loan? What can they be used for and how do I qualify? ...
You may have a significant amount of cash tied up in your 401K. Can you use your 401k to buy a business? The short answer is yes. The long answer...
While there are several business valuation approaches and many valuation methods, the most commonly used and accepted method is the Multiple Of Seller’s Discretionary Earnings (Seller’s Discretionary Cash) Method.  SDE...
  Are there benefits to being small? If you’re asking yourself if your business can qualify for SBA perks, you aren’t alone. Are there benefits to being small? Your business...