Right Person Right Time
Hiring a new employee is both exciting and terrifying! We know that having the right people on the team is critical to successand for that very reason, there is a lot of pressure in completing the hiring process. There are ways to make the proces smore pleasant while ensuring that you hire the right person.
LET’S BREAK THIS OUT – Here are five key elements in completing a successful hire.
1. Planning and Assessment
Before you begin the search, make sure you have taken time to define what it is that you need. If you haven’t yet createda job description, start there. Your job description will list the general tasks and responsibilities of a position andspecify the experience, education, knowledge and skills required. What key elements of performance and behaviorare critical? What specifics are required?
Once you have your job description ready, you will be able to identify candidates whose qualifications match whatyou need. You may want to conduct phone interviews at this point to screen applicants before conducting fullinterviews.
2. Writing and Using Effective Questions
Using the right questions goes a long way toward getting information you need to make a good decision. You willneed to think carefully about what type of question you need to ask: closed-ended versus open-ended or probing. Youwill need to avoid using leading or hypothetical questions. It is important to help the applicant have a conversationwith you that guides not only you – but them – toward an understanding of whether this is the right fit.
Many interviews rely on traditional styled questions. Behavioral styled questions are proving to be far more effectivein understanding the skills, experience, and attitudes people will bring to the job. With behavioral interviewing, weask questions like “Tell me about a time when you didn’t get along with a coworker.” This question is far more revealingthan “What would you do if you didn’t get along with a coworker.”
3. Conducting the Interview
Whether your interview is in person or virtual, there are solid tips for a good experience.
- Clear clutter and confidential information from the
- Check your technology as
- Make introductions
- Start with a very short session of small
- Do not allow interruptions during the
- Allow the candidate to ask questions – first and
4. Documenting the Process
How will you keep track? You will need a scoring matrix of some type. That should be easy to put together if you haveyour up-to-date job description. If needed, keep notes as you interview.
5. Making the Decision
Now you are ready to hire. Gather all the facts and data you have collected. Be sure to go back to the beginning andreview the job description you wrote. Review your notes and check your scoring grids. Attitude and passion areimportant and we want people with great attitude. However, great attitude alone may not be enough to do the job youneed them to do. In other words, it is best not to “go with your gut” alone.
Now that you have gone through the entire process and hired the right person, you must successfully add them to yourteam. This means carefully planning their first day on the job and their first weeks of being a new employee. This is wheremany employers mess up! Get your entire team on board in making them feel welcome, competent, and comfortable.
CARES Program blog contributed by:
Lorna Kibbey, owner of Lorna Kibbey Leadership Solutions, designs and delivers management and leadership motivational speeches, seminars, and services to public and private sector organizations. She has achieved recognition in the State of Florida as a Certified Public Manager and was recognized as “Best Boss of the Year” in a nationwide initiative.
Learn more about Lorna’s seminars: Managing in a Virtual World, Right Person, Right Time, and Leading in Times of Change and how to access customized consulting through the Collin SBDC CARES Program.